Day 2 of I Ride for Cancer 2012 Ride

Crossing of the Trinity River

Crossing of the Trinity River

Day 2 of the I Ride for Cancer 2012 Ride started out a bit earlier at 8am. That combined with the fact that the planned ride for the day a little shorter than the prior day allowed me to get into camp a lot earlier.

The ride took me from Coldspring, TX to Silsbee, TX and for the most part was uneventful – except for being chased by dogs. I was chased by at least 5 pairs of dogs in various towns along the way. None looked vicious though, so I was thankful for that.

My favorite quote from a church sign was “The task ahead of you is nothing compared to the power behind you.” It was very fitting for me and for this trip.

We stayed at the Red Cloud RV park and I met a former methodist pastor named Bill. Bill and his wife are “full timers”. This means that they are full time RVers. I’m new to this whole RV thing if you haven’t guessed.

Bill said that he and his wife are on their way to Canada to spend for the next 5 months and then by October, they will be heading on back to Texas. Pretty cool guy.

We were blessed with having WIFI at this park, so both Vince and I took full advantage and facetimed with our families and checked email and uploaded videos of the day to dropbox for Lee to take and spin into videos for you guys.

Since I got in earlier that Saturday, I was also able to put the bike up on the stand and give it a well needed wash and lube. I also adjusted my aero handle bars a bit for comfort, so we’ll see how they do in tomorrow’s ride.

Well that’s it! I’m off to bed. Tomorrow is crossing of the Sabine and into Cajun Country (Louisiana). Wish me luck and a tail wind!

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Day 1 of I Ride for Cancer 2012 Ride

Howdy! I just wanted to write a quick update to how the first day went. We did some videos and our video guy, Lee Doran, is working on all of those. We are also still trying to figure out our process with that.

The send off was just amazing. We had a LOT of people out there as well as KBTX and KAGS. I did interviews with both of them and I’m sure I just stumbled all over myself.

A lot of my Peace Lutheran friends were there. In fact, cool story. My friend Will was there to ride out with me. We’ve talked about it at church quite a bit. There was also a bike group (sorry guys, I didn’t get your group’s name except that you ride out from Pebble Creek on Saturday mornings) that I ended up riding the first 20 miles with. Since we were in a big group they let me draft off of them so it was really easy to go 20mph.

Well, Will wasn’t able to keep up at that pace and dropped back and unfortunately didn’t get to go as far as we had discussed. So later in the day as I was traveling to Coldspring, he calls his mom (who is also a member of Peace) to wish her happy birthday.

She just happened to tell him that she was in Coldspring, TX with her friend Gretchen celebrating news that Gretchen was cured of her brain tumor. Will says, Mom – that’s where Chris is going tonight!

So Jeanie (Will’s mom), gets hold of my mom and they both plan a nice dinner for us. I get to meet Gretchen and Vince and I went home with full bellies. I don’t believe in coincidences by the way. I believe that God did that to further fuel me for this ride, both physically and spiritually.

Back to the Ride

The first 40 miles were just fine. I felt good except I was still feeling the effects of having a stomach bug on Tuesday and Wednesday of that week. So I just took things slow and didn’t push myself too much.

However, because of the later start at 9am and going slower, it was pushing me more and more into the heat of the day. The next 46 miles were pretty hard needless to say. Between Richards, TX and New Waverly, TX (23 mile stretch), I started feeling the effects of the heat. I probably averaged about 14 mph in that stretch which is pretty slow for me.

I took a nice break in New Waverly and replenished on fluids and felt a little better heading out. However, right outside of town I hit my first snag – a flat. I couldn’t find a puncture point however, so I decided to air up the back tire and see if it held. One mile later, it’s running flat again.

So I pulled off the side of the road and fixed it and 30 minutes later, I was back on the road. That did however put me even later into the day. I think it was 2 by then and around 94 degrees and rising and I still had at least 2 hours of riding to go!

Those last 23 miles from New Waverly to Coldspring were tough. But I kept on and made it into town at around 4:30. Sometimes I crawled at 10mph, but I persevered and made it there. Whew. Time to replenish fluids and get some food! I had burned close to 8,000 calories by my calculations!

All in all it was a great day. I am so very thankful for the awesome sendoff that my church provided and am so thankful to live in such an awesome community.

I’ll fill in on Day two tomorrow as I’m off to bed!

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YouTube Video

Check out this YouTube Video.  It is a introduction into the I Ride for Cancer man himself!

News Stories:

The Eagle



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Big News for Upcoming Ride, Training, and How to Change Your Life

Chris and Family

Chris and Family

Howdy there! I’m so glad you’ve come to the I Ride for Cancer website. I first want to start this post out with an apology and an acknowledgement – I know, I know. I promised your a blog per day, and it’s been a month and a half since the last blog post. What’s up with that? What in the world have I been doing?

I follow blogs from people all of the time and never really thought how hard it is to find time to sit down and actually write a blog post. Combine that with 4-5 hours of training per day, family time and oh yeah – getting some work done in between all of that – writing a blog post every day just kind of hit my back burner.

But guess what? At the time of this writing, I’m about eleven days from leaving on my 2,100+ mile journey to raise awareness and money for pancreatic cancer. So, I’m back on the wagon – the blog wagon that is.

Big News for Upcoming Ride for Cancer

So let me lead off with the big news. We are now going to be leaving from College Station instead of Houston. Unfortunately, leaving from MD Anderson in Houston just started to become more and more of an issue, so we decided to change the start of the 2,100+ mile ride for cancer to my church, Peace Lutheran Church in College Station.

This move just makes sense to me. We have more of a base of friends and associates as well as all of our sponsors. So we will be leaving June 2, 2012 from the parking lot of Peace Lutheran Church at 8am. I’m inviting anybody and everybody who wants to ride with me to come on out. You sure don’t have to ride the entire 90 miles for the first day, but if you want to ride a mile or two or whatever you feel you can, please come on out and join me!

Heck, my 7 yr old is going to ride out with me initially. He says he’s going to do 8 miles, but I’m sure it will be more like a mile. 😉

Here is the address to the church:

Peace Lutheran Church
2201 Rio Grande
College Station, TX 77845


Which brings me to what I’ve been doing the past month and a half. I’ve been training. A LOT!! Up until a couple of weeks ago, I was riding around 80 miles per day (so between 4-5 hrs per day) with the full intention of working up to 100 miles per day. However, life got in the way and I’ve slowly been tapering off to make time for family and work before the ride.

I never thought I would say this, but I’m down to 40 miles per day for my training.

I’m confident I will physically be ready to ride 90 miles per day so my focus now is to take care of the other half of things – the mental side.

Changing Your Life

This brings me to an important point that I hope to continually discuss. And that’s to change your life. Every person in the world can afford to change something. I chose last January to lose weight. That small decision led me on the path that I am now on and will allow me to hopefully help others change their lives.

If you have been waiting to do that one thing that will change your life, I urge you to just do it. If it’s a decision to go to Washington D.C. because it’s something you’ve never done before. Do it. If you want to lose weight so you can look good at the swimming pool this summer, there’s no time like the present. All it takes is one step and then another and then another.

I’m not Lance Armstrong. I’m a normal guy that decided to lose weight last January. I lost close to 60 lbs and then rode in a 160 mile supported ride for MS in that October. Then I made the decision to ride cross country to raise money and awareness for Pancreatic Cancer. What’s next? Who knows? I need to get through this ride first. But that little step and small decision has led me to this and I don’t regret it one bit.

What’s your step? What’s your decision? In the words of Nike – Just Do It!!

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